First contact physiotherapy

Tiverton Primary Care Network is taking part in a national scheme to look at how assessing and treating muscle and joint pain in a different may benefit patients. The aim is to provide early access to specialist assessment.

What is it?

It provides an opportunity to book in directly via reception for assessment and management of muscle and joint aches and pains without having to see your GP first.  The only time you should not do this would be if you are under 12 years old or acutely unwell. Alternatively, if you have spoken to your GP they may recommend that you book in for assessment.  This is not the same as being referred for a course of Physiotherapy.

What is a First Contact Physiotherapist?

A First Contact Physiotherapist is highly experienced and is trained to work beyond the normal role of a physiotherapist. Experience and additional skills/ qualifications (such as prescribing medication, joint injections and requesting investigations) enables them to manage most conditions without needing to involve your GP.

What should I expect?

Please call your GP practice to book an appointment. Please note that you may be offered a telephone consultation initially, and only asked to come in for a face to face review if necessary.

Member practices: